Everything about the handpan, latest news and much more...

Christmas Gift Guide for Handpan Lovers
Choosing the right gift for christmas can be a real challenge, especially if you want to gift a handpan lover. We have made a selection with some valuable, high-quality products, that will make any handpan lover happy. 1. D Minor 9 Handpan | TOP Bundle 2024 | Opsilon Instruments The

Handpan Training Cards – Handpan Tutorials
Would you like to practice on your handpan in peace at home, or do you need inspiration? Then we have something for you: The Handpan Training Cards and the Opsilon Beginner Tutorials Online. Handpan Training Cards The handpan learning cards help you discover and learn the chords of your handpan

Handpan Kurs Stuttgart
If you’ve ever been captivated by the enchanting sounds of the handpan and have the desire to learn how to play this unique instrument, the Opsilon Handpan workshop near Stuttgart offers yout the perfect opportunity to learn to play the handpan together with two well-known handpanplayers Rafael Sotomayor and Kate

The Anatomy of a Handpan
Exploring the Anatomy and Playability of the Handpan Handpans are unique musical instruments that captivate with their ethereal sounds, making them popular among musicians and music therapists alike. Understanding the structure of a handpan and learning the basics of playing it can significantly enhance your musical journey. Let’s dive

What is corrosion? The handpan is a musical instrument made from two half-shells glued together. Usually, those shells are produced from sheet steel. One of the problems that naturally come with using steel is corrosion. This is reducing the instrument’s lifespan especially if the instrument is improperly cared for. This

The Handpan Beginner’s Guide – Part 3: Traveling with the Handpan
Traveling with the Handpan Which trip was particularly inspiring for you, and why? Rafael: I spent eight years Traveling with the Handpan non-stop around the world, visiting over 40 countries. During this time, I played a lot on the street or in nature. However, proper concerts were also a part