
Handpan Tonleiter / Handpan Scales / Opsilon Handpan Scales

What is a scale and why does a Handpan have to be tuned in scales?

The word “scale” comes from Latin and means ladder. A ladder consists of several successive “steps”. If you sit in front of a piano and press a key somewhere in the middle, you will notice that if you press another key on the left, the sound will get lower and if you press another key far away on the right side, it will get higher. Now, let us assume that our ladder consists of 12 steps. The lowest step will be the 1 and the highest will be the 12. We can jump the ladder up and down the way we want BUT we are only allowed to step on the 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12. If we do this correctly, at some point someone is going to show up and say: “Congratulations, you are playing a major scale!”

In western music, all scales are essentially made out of the same 12 steps. The distance between 1 and 2 is called a “half step” and the distance between 1 and 3 is called a “full step”. The only thing that changes is the rule of our step game. Depending on which steps you are allowed to jump to, you will be playing in a different scale.

One of the most popular scales on the Handpan is the D Minor, also “Kurd” or “Kate Stone” scale. If we want to play this scale then the rule of our step game would be: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 11, with the 1 being the note D which gives the scale its name. If you take a closer look to a Handpan, you will notice that it has a central note (called ding) in the middle and the rest of the notes are placed around the ding. In this case, the ding will be the lowest note of the scale and it will be separated by a slash / from the others when we write it. This will be very important at the moment of ordering your Opsilon. The note distribution of D Minor on the Opsilon is: D / A Bb C D E F G A, remember, D / is the lowest note and the last A the highest.

Choosing a scale of a handpan is an important decision.

In the handpan world you can find handpands with 8 to 24 Notes. So it could get quickly really confusing. Today we want to give you some recommendations.

The handpan scales could be separated in pentatonic, hexatonic, diatonic, chromatic scales and mutant scales. Firstly you will need to know the differences between them, so you can make a better choice.

Pentatonic scales

Pentatonic scales are popular in music because their note patterns are relatively simple and versatile. They can be used for improvisation, composing music and creating pleasing melodies. They are made with 5 notes per octave. They are various pentatonic scales, two of the most common ones are the pentatonic minor and pentatonic major.

– Pentatonic Minor: The minor pentatonic is the five note version of the natural minor but without the 2nd and the 6th scale degrees. Although, this scale lean towards a more melancholic sound , it feels less tragic since it doesn’t contain the 6th scale degree. Also the big intervals in the scale deliver a more energetic and exciting feeling. The minor pentatonic is widely used in pop and rock music.

Some handpands minor scales are:

Low Pygmy (minor): One of the most popular Scales used in the design of handpands. It is know for its unique and hauntingly beautiful sound. The combination of the minor second, third and seventh intervals gives it a distinctly exotic and otherworldly sound. Due to their mystical quality is often use to evoke a sense of introspection and contemplation. It is perfect to created ambient and meditative music.

Magic Voyage (minor): The name refers to a concept related with magical journey, adventures. It is a pentatonic version of a minor scale. The main difference compared to the low pygmy is the displacement of the major. It has a relaxing effect on players and listeners, as it is a dreamy and beautiful pentatonic with deeps and sustained harmonic.

            Pentatonic Major: The major pentatonic scale is one of the most widely used scales. The Pentatonic major scale is a major scale without the fourth and the seventh notes. Usually, it eliminates all the half tones intervals, creating a stable and strong major movement. It is like a refreshing spring for musicians. The versatility and playability of the scale makes it a popular choice for use in  happy melodies. The Major Pentatonic scale is the same as the minor pentatonic but has a different root note and tonal centre. Kind of a ‘mode’ of the Minor Pentatonic if you like. It is most used in country, rock and blues.

Some other form of pentatonic major scales are:

Oxalis (major): is a form of pentatonic major scale with a special twist. This configuration consists of two sets of the first major chords repeated over two octaves and an added major 7th chord emphasizing the major nature of the scale. This adds harmonic variations to the deep warm major, bringing a sense of joy, intimacy and luck. Hence the name Oxalis, a four -leaf clover. The tender and delicate sound of the scale is a meditative experience.

Paradise (major): similar to Oxalis, this pentatonic major scale repeats the main major chords over two octaves but it has two configurations. The first version adds the major 7th and 9th to the first major chord, offers a warm inviting sound perfectly suitable for meditation. The second version of the scale adds the 4th and 9th to the first major chord to highlight the major flavor, delivering a wonderful happier harmonies.

Other pentatonic Scales:

Akebono (Japanese scale miyako-bushi):is a musical scale originates from traditional Japanese music. What makes this scale special is the lack of a root note. This means any note in the scale can be a root note on its own, giving a tremendous amount of freedom to explore. The haunting and hypnotizing sound of this scale gives a sense of mystery and mysticism.

Pygmy (dorian): (Beschreibung ausOpsilon webseite nehmen)

Hexatonic scales (6-notes):

Amara/Celtic Minor (Dorian): is a scale based of the traditional Celtic scale which is Dorian in its nature. The root note is the Ding. The Dorian mode is very similar to the minor scale,  but it adds a sharpend 6th However the 6th degree in the Celtic minor is omitted offering the freedom to choose between the feel of full minor scale and the full Dorian mode. The 6th degree is the most prominent note of scale as sets an intense mood. By omitting it, the tension is released, leading to a more calm, dreamy and mystical sound.

Blues (blues scale): is the handpan version of the famous blues scale used in blues, rock’n’roll and jazz. This scale is a minor pentatonic with the addition of the famous blues note which is a chromatic note between the 4th and 5th The blues scales offers two versions which differ in the function the Ding. In the first version, the Ding is the dominant 5th of the scale, where in the second version the Ding is the 4th note.

Equinox (minor): as name suggests, offers the right balance between the minor and major. Equinox is where the dark, dreamy feel of the minor meets the shining, shimmering sense of the major. As the root note on the Ding, followed by the minor 3rd and 5th highlighting the minor mode, the lack of 4th degree brings out the dominant feel of the major scale. The balance of the Equinox makes a good base for people who prefer to involve more rhythmic sound into their style of playing.

Integral Minor (minor): is one of the most popular scale variations in the handpan world. This scale is the hexatonic variation the minor scale by omitting the 4th scale degree. The integral is cosidered to be one of the most balances variations for the handpan for its ability to be used in common progressions for playing over both minor and major scales. The scales is extremely versatile, offering the right balance between tension and release.

La Sirena (dorian): like a mermaid,  the scale is romantic, melancholic but mysterious and hypnotizing. This hexatonic varation is based of Dorian mode but omits the 4th note of the scale and the root note is the Ding. The scale is very versatile as it emphasizes the natural minor scale. The absence of the subdominant note makes the scale suitable for playing over various major and relative minor scales.

Mixolydian (mixolydian): is a close relative to the major scale. It is happy, peaceful and uplifting in nature. This makes the scale suitable for music therapy. This variation is an hexatonic version of the fifth mode of the major scale, where the root note is  the Ding. The mixolydian mode compared to its major relative, shifts down the 7th note by half a step towards the sound victory. The scale is popular in pop, jazz and blues.

Mystic (minor): the very mysterious and meditative atmosphere created by the presence of the minor 7th note in the natural minor scale is ideal for rhythmic playing. Similar to the integral this scale leaves out the perfect 4th note of the minor scale. The combination allows building a melody over the root note for a more rhythmic feeling.

YshaSavita (major): is a hexatonic major scale without the 6th The sound of this scale can be described as happy, positive, uplifting and refreshing for the listener. The energetic and vibrant sound stems from its orientation towards major progressions. This scale is a perfect addition for advanced players who wish to explore deeply into the handpan world.

Diatonic scale (7-scale)’:

Kurd/Annaziska/Aeolian (minor): is the complete natural minor scale and is one of the most common scales in the handpan world. The scale is complete and very harmonically diverse which allows the player to express all kinds of feelings. The Kurd is very suitable for beginners thanks to its completeness and flexibility. The different names refer to the shifted placements of the notes on then handpan.

Hijaz (minor scale): is the arabic version of the harmonic minor scale and can be considered as a Phrygian dominant scale. The scale is typically used in Flamenco progressions. The mystic, exotic yet romantic sound is hypnotizing like a heat mirage in the desert horizon.

Jibuk (mixolydian) : is a mixolydian scale where the root note is placed on the fifth of a major scale. The sound of scale can be described as joyful and peaceful, suitable for music therapy.


Romanian Hijaz

How do I pick the right scale?

​There are a few ways of choosing your scale.

The first one would be just by ear, e.g. listening to Handpan players, watching videos, etc. This is a rather intuitive way of choosing your scale, since you will be paying more attention to your feelings when listening to a Handpan and trying to figure out which one evokes the magic you felt for the first time you saw a musician playing a Handpan.

Another one would be a theoretical approach. This one will require some research and some background in music theory. Since the Opsilon is a very intuitive instrument you don’t have to worry about music theory at the beginning. Of course, we would definitely encourage you to learn something about melody, harmony and rhythm because we believe that having a deep understanding of what happens when you play will help you create more interesting music and develop further as a musician.

​We recommend you listen to different Handpan scales. Try to find out which scales fit your mood best. Scales can be cheerful, sad, melancholic, mystical, mysterious, etc. Try to find that particular scale that speaks to you, that you feel a connection with. Write down the notes it is made of and if you are having a hard time finding out, do not hesitate to ask. If there is this particularly beautiful, spacey, mesmerizing scale that you love, you can try to find it on YouTube by typing Handpan + (name of the scale), for example: Handpan pygmy. Try to compare it with other scales and try to listen to different players play in the same scale with different styles.

If you are new to music or percussion and have little to no musical background and you simply don’t know which scale to choose, we would recommend choosing a scale that we know will allow you an easy approach and a quick development and also the opportunity to jam with others, something like the D Minor (Kurd), Amara or Pygmy tuned in 440Hz. By the way…

Of course, we can tune your Opsilon in 432Hz but you have to now, that having an Opsilon in 432Hz is a rather solitary business, since most instruments are tuned in 440Hz. This includes not only other Handpans but conventional instruments as guitars, pianos, bases, flutes, etc.

So, why can’t we build all the notes on one single Opsilon?

Well, it is not that we don’t want to or haven’t thought about it. The reason is that such an instrument wouldn’t sound very nice, to say the least. Each step of the ladder has its own unique frequency and this has to be taken into consideration before even thinking about tuning a handpan. Some frequencies simply won’t work well with others, no matter what you do. Every tonefield has a certain dimension. The space on a Handpan to place them is limited. If they are placed too tight, you’ll activate the neighbour note while playing which leads to overlapping frequencies – and that doesn’t sound nice.

We have a nice collection of videos showing some of the different scales you can have on your Opsilon. Have a look at our Scale classifications and click through to the scale you want to listen to.

There are a variety of scales that can be played on handpans. Each of the scales has its own charm and style. Popular scales include the Kurd , Aegan , Pygmy , Hijaz and Ashakiran scales, among others. However, there are many more scales that are worth exploring.

Each scale offers different musical expressions – from melodic and gentle to energetic and rhythmic. Some scales tend to have a more melancholic and introspective sound, while others are happy and uplifting. The choice of scale often depends on the player’s personal preferences and the intended musical mood. Many beginners, but also musicians, choose the D-Minor or D-Kurd Handpan .

In addition, the material of the handpan affects its sound quality. Handpans are made from different materials such as nitrided steel or stainless steel, each of which has unique tonal properties. Nitrided steel, for example, offers high volume and a clear, crisp sound quality, making it ideal for percussive playing. Stainless steel, on the other hand, tends to have a deeper, more resonant sound that is great for melodic and meditative playing. Ember steel, a type of stainless steel, is characterized by a warmer sound.                                                   

So that you can get an impression of the different scales, we have created a small direct comparison video of different scales, which you can watch here:

Discover our database for more scales, we can build any scale for you

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